Russell on the Gentile Times/seven times of Daniel 4:
"Unless it was thus to foreshadow the degradation and the duration of the Gentile Times, we know of no reason for the recording this scrap of the history of a heathen king. That hisseven years of degradation fitlyillustrated human debasement, is a fact; that God has promised a restitution of earth's dominion after humanity haslearned certain great lessons, is also a fact; and that the seven symbolic times (2520 years) end at the exact point when mankind will have learned its own degration and present inability to rule the world to advantage, and will be ready for God's kingdom and dominion, is a third fact." Russell, Studies in the Scriptures, vol 2, page 97
Russell had several other derivations of 1914 and the other dates of his elaborate end-time calendar, none of which survived the incovenient failure of events to work out as expected. The first three volumes of Studies in the Scriptures set it all out.
Robert Crompton